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MiPACS Demo Request Form

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I'm interested in

What best describes your clinical configuration?

How many users are in your organization?

How many workstations are in your organization?

What patient management software are you currently using or plan to use?

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What digital radiography device are you currently using or plan to use?

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By providing your email address (first-time registrants only), you explicitly opt in to receive follow up emails, newsletters, and other marketing information from MiPACS by Apryse. You may unsubscribe at any time. We use your personally identifiable information only for the purposes of providing our products and services to you. We store the information in a secure location and do not sell or otherwise transfer personally identifiable information to unrelated third parties; provided however, if you are located outside of the United States, we may provide your name and email address to our authorized distributor representing MiPACS in the country where you are located. Our authorized distributor may be fulfilling product orders and providing localized sales support. For more details, you may read the full text of our Privacy Policy.