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DICOM Router+ Add-on

Add-on product for the MiPACS Storage Server

Stay in Control of Your Imaging Workflow

The MiPACS DICOM Router+ product is an extremely versatile add-on to the MiPACS Storage Server that provides PACS administrators automated workflows triggered by any action on the MiPACS Server. Whether studies need to be pre-fetched to workstations, forwarded to on-call radiologists, or archived to a backup PACS/VNA, MiPACS DICOM Router+ can save your clinical and IT staff time by automating these actions when they are needed. In addition, you can use rules to automatically modify DICOM tags, send email alerts, audit access to VIP patient records, and interact with databases.

DICOM Object Routing

When images are stored to, queried upon, or downloaded from the MiPACS Storage Server, DICOM-tag based conditions (among other conditions, such as date/time ranges, calling AE Titles, and more) can trigger object routing events that can send DICOM data sets to any DICOM-compliant destination, such as DICOM servers and PACS viewing workstations. DICOM objects can be routed on practically any condition or combinations of conditions possible.

Event Triggering

The MiPACS DICOM Router+ product provides a completely customizable interface to build nearly any action once an event condition is met. Aside just routing images to other destinations, MiPACS DICOM Router + provides you with a VB.NET script builder, where you can use true VB.NET code, references, and namespaces to create any action you can think of. Some examples uses are:

  • Email a privacy officer whenever a "VIP" patient record is accessed
  • Mine data from incoming images or downloaded images to a database for reporting/analysis
  • Modify DICOM tags in the header to meet organizational standards, if modalities do not provide the needed tags
  • Notify a radiologist via SMS text or email that a study is ready for reading
  • Update study status in your Modality Worklist

  • The possibilities of the actions that can be triggered are virtually endless!

Key Features

Image to indicate a bullet point

Create your own rules

Image to indicate a bullet point

Use VB.NET code to customize

Image to indicate a bullet point

Built-in IDE

Image to indicate a bullet point

Use external libraries (DLLs)

Image to indicate a bullet point

Trigger any event

Image to indicate a bullet point

Update your Modality Worklist